🎉 MAYARULA praznuje svoj 5. rojstni dan 🎉 Psst – kremici za obraz sta znižani za -20%

I'm available for a

Free consultation

Stress and other negative factors of modern lifestyle cause external or extrinsic aging.

Which is why your skin deserves your attention and proper skin care. Moisturising, adding lipids, adding antioxidants are some of the steps you should take... With my all-natural and certified products, I want to help women to look better on the outside and thus feel better on the inside.

Book a free 15 min consultation session with me.

The consultation will be tailored to your needs and together we will determine your day and evening skin care routine. As part of the consultation, you will receive two free samples of your choice and a brochure, where all face and body skin care products are explained.

Email me at info@mayarula.si or submit the form below.

I'm happy to share any useful tips, and I also learn a lot from you. With your help, I become better every day.

Book now

Book your consultation


Pusti mi sporočilo

Piši mi na info@mayarula.si ali izpolni spodnji obrazec.

Vesela sem, če lahko podelim kak uporaben nasvet, prav tako se od vas tudi marsičesa naučim in sem z vašo pomočjo iz dneva v dan le še boljša.